early to a morning of drizzly, grey, all enveloping fug. A cold blanket, rendering them mute. Breakfasting in sombre mood. Fidgety and despondent.
A sudden knifeblade
of prismatic light slashing the table.
Cloud beaten by burning sun. A
bright ray bathing them. Panacea for
their mood. They began to sing!
She set off
with vigour, returning later with unexpected bounty and goodies galore …
flower embroidery – the black frame given the Annie Sloan paint treatment.
When taking it out of it's frame she found this behind.
Oversized cake stand, painted with Annie Sloan Versailles (she did later notice that she had fogotten to paint the bottom of the back strut!).

Oversized cake stand, painted with Annie Sloan Versailles (she did later notice that she had fogotten to paint the bottom of the back strut!).
Puffy tea
several whitework bedspreads and tablecloths and wearable, crisp cotton
nightgowns, blouses and camisoles, all awaiting ironing and starching.
above will all be available at the Sherborne Antiques Fair on Saturday 24th
And … spied
by little man …
She spent
the evening happily beautifying, titivating and laundering her new finds whilst
watching the much maligned (but she loves it) Upstairs Downstairs.
Love all you items, especialy the hat in the top picture and the green one. Lovely piece of embroidery.
Julie xxxxxxxxx
I find all of these beautiful, even the dead spider one which surprises me!
It looks like you took home the "bounty"! I suspect that you will have no problem selling everything you purchased at the Sherborne Antique Fair.
I really think you "struck it rich" with that gorgeous photo that was behind the embroidery. I have to admit though that I would have never plucked up the courage to touch that BIG BLACK HAIRY SPIDER! HA
Hello Marina:
Well, you would certainly have needed a sizeable swag bag to bring all this booty home with you. A trove of goodies and, they do all look so much prettier for a wash and brush up....except for the spider!!!!
I'd love the friends but the big hairy spider would bring on the vapors, even dead, I think it's something to do with the shape.
What a fantastic lot you've bought, what will you do with the mystery painting on the back of the embroidery?
Oh my, those first three hats are wonderful!
Am I wrong to like the portrait hidden in the back of the embroidered picture more than the embroidered picture?
Lovely bonnets!, you did find some great things....except the spider eeek!! x
I adore those hats and the three cases but had to scroll very rapidly past the spider, it scared the life out of me. x
And you said my mojo was working! Great finds Marina. I never see hats anywhere near as old as those - and dare I say I'm sure I had a bonnet similar to that on as a child, itchy woollen ties if I remember correctly :o(
The fish kettle is FAB, but I'm afraid the spider and friends would have been left - ugh shudder!
Rose H
Hi Marina. Che bellissime cose che ci fai vedere....che bello poter essere lì!!! Sigh!
Un caro saluto, *Maistella*.
More lovely finds for you, I think my mum had a hat like the green- blue one.
Don't you just hate it when you realise you've missed a bit!? It happens to me quite often. Lovely finds.
I just love the poppy hat... lovely embroidery tea cosy and picture too!
wow all this hats are so fabulous, i can´t decide which one i love most, well the very first is gorgous but also the green one!
O!Those hats are heavenly,esp hat # 3!!! And I love the wicker hamper and cake stand!!!
I don't love the spider!They scare the hell out of me!!!
Lovely finds apart from the spider! I wouldnt have touched it with a barge pole.I have such a great fear of them even if it is dead I dont know if I could even be in the same room!
Ooohh, the spider bug tray is pretty cool! and the little man is very brave to have touched it.
I must admit I like the hidden picture more too and would display that as is, stitches and all.
Hope the fair is a good one, Tam x
What a haul. You have such a keen and good eye for stylish things. Just where is the photo of the pigs gnashers though? I also have a cake stand waiting longingly for a bit of colour and you have kindly reminded me, thank you. Hope tomorrow goes well for you.
Lovely, lovely hats, love all your things, but definately not the spider, cant stand them! Julie xxx
Dear Marina,
these objects are all with such personallity ...
but I will go for the suitcages/boxes... I have a thing for those : )
love from Norway
Wow what a fantastic selection of things. I think the hats look amazing!! Sarahx
me oh my
what treasure
boy i miss france
if only for brocantes
slim pickings in spain
plenty sunshine though
love the hats
i only ever find ratty ones
(thanks for kind wishes)
I love bug collections!
Wow what a lovely lot of bits and bobs, I rather like the spider and friends, the husbands wants to start collecting such things and have a curiosity cabinet ( much to the disgust of many of our friends! )........have a super week.
Nattie x
Hi Jane,I found your lovely blog from blog hopping from Country Rabbits. Love your header,I'm starting My collection of Ladybird books too,up to 23! Love them,from childhood days...
Looking forward to reading more tonight,love juliexxx
I so wish I was close enough to go on Saturday! I can't believe what a beauty was behind that picture. Basically I want all these finds, minus the spider. :) xx
Love the baskets and trunks, and the hat with the poppy, but OH GOD the spider! Not sure I could have touched it, even long dead!
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