Tales of walking, eating, watching and playing. Vintage treasures and simple pleasures ... the things that make her happy.

Wednesday, 25 November 2015

Spiky Palms

She was rather taken with these shiny trees.
Standing tall ... 
one of the new installations at ...
Hauser & Wurth, Durslade Farm, Bruton.  

The cake was good too!


KC'sCourt! said...

They look fascinating.........
Julie xxxxx

rusty duck said...

Impressive. It's still a place I've yet to visit. Next year for sure!

the woolly dog said...

They do look stunning, if not slightly strange in the English countryside...

The Dainty Dolls House said...

So cool :) Happy weekend x

Unknown said...

Vintage Jane has been included in the A Sunday Drive for this week. Be assured that we hope this helps to point even more new visitors in your direction.


Down by the sea said...

Those spiky palms are eye catching they must be quite strong to withstand the strong winds. We must visit here again! Sarah x

Gretel said...

Although they are spiky, not round, there is something delightfully Dr Suess-y about those trees!